Friday, April 4, 2008

using gidei

Using GIDEI: Basic Computer Commands

These are some basic computer emulation commands that use the GIDEI (General Input Device Emulating Interface) protocol commands.

To get the function on your Prentke Romich Company communication aid, press the “CTRL” key followed by the “[“ key. On the screen, this should appear as a left-facing arrow.

Return ,return.
Backspace ,backspace.
Tab ,tab.
Escape/Cancel ,esc.
Print (IBM)

Print (Mac)



Save (IBM) ,hold,ctrl.s


Left Arrow key ,left.
Right Arrow key ,right.
Up Arrow key ,up.
Down Arrow key ,down.
Page Up ,pageup.
Page Down ,pagedown.

Remember that the arrow keys are NOT mouse commands. They do what the arrow keys do on a regular keyboard.

Basic Mouse Commands

Single Click ,click.
Double Click ,dblclick.
Right Click ,click,right.

Move commands move the mouse cursor a specific distance on the screen.
Horizontal plus (+) values move the mouse to the right and minus (-) values move it to the left. Vertical plus (+) values move the mouse downward and minus (-) values move the mouse upward. The mouse moves diagonally when both a horizontal and vertical value are sent. The first value given is the horizontal value, the second is the vertical value.
The numbers in the example below tell the computer how far to move the mouse each time this command is used. Increase this number for larger distances, decrease it for shorter distances. The number may vary from 1 to 500.

Emulator Command Mouse Cursor Movement You See on the Screen
,move,+5,0. Moves the mouse cursor 5 pixels to the right.
,move,-5,0. Moves the mouse cursor 5 pixels to the left
,move,0,+5. Moves the mouse cursor 5 pixels down
,move,0,-5. Moves the mouse cursor 5 pixels up
,move,+10,+10. Moves the mouse cursor 10 pixels diagonally downward and right
,move,-10,+10. Moves the mouse cursor 10 pixels diagonally downward and left
,move,-10,-10. Moves the mouse cursor 10 pixels diagonally upward and left
,move, +10,-10. Moves the mouse cursor 10 pixels diagonally upward and right
,moureset. Resets the mouse and sends it to the upper left corner of the screen
,goto,+100,+150. Moves the mouse to a specific location on the screen.

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